
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
The Looking Forward Podcast Episode 79: Victorians Have Made Their Bed
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
The Deputy CMO says to Victorians "make your bed", but they're fraying at the edges as their Premier loses credibility for refusing to admit he is pursuing a virus eradication strategy - something achieved literally nowhere in the world. How diabolical is the combination of political spin and ceaseless nudging from the army of "public health" advisers? And how much longer can Victorians be expected to trust the very politicians and ‘health experts’ who have consistently lied and obfuscated? (2:01-22:16).
New IPA research shows a "K-Shaped recovery", with public sector employment trending upwards while the private sector slopes violently downwards. Are we really ‘all in this together’ or is the divide between the public and private sector more apparent than ever? (22:16-32:46).
Victoria Police arrested a heavily pregnant Zoe Lee Buhler for a Facebook post about a peaceful protest. With civil liberties, Parliament, and Cabinet Government all suspended; what does this brave new world of Castro-length speeches from the Premier, unchecked police surveillance and a cowed and frightened population look like? (32:46-41:55).
What can we expect of our media when the Dan Andrews drip feeds a compliant press gallery via daily press conferences, and keeping people scared seems part of the business model? (41:55-57:03). Culture Picks this week include TV series, Schitts Creek, by Dan Levy and Eugene Levy, Righteous Gemstones, by Danny McBride and Raised by Wolves, by Aaron Guzikowski (57:03-1:05:13).
Show notes:
Victorians struggling to cope with lockdown have been told to make their bed in the morning; 7 News,
A Public Choice Warning About Media; Peter Boettke
Daniel Andrews hits his 50th straight coronavirus update today — is it time he took a break?; Patrick Wood
Culture picks:
Netflix TV series by Dan Levy and Eugene Levy, Schitts Creek
TV series by Danny McBride, Righteous Gemstones
TV series by Aaron Guzikowski, Raised by Wolves