Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Ep 7: Is Limited Government Finished?
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Even deep greens are worried renewable energy can't save the planet - so why are our political parties making it our energy future (2:43-18:30)? Ross Douthat's article in The New York Times says that the era of limited government is over as conservatives push to use big government to influence culture and society; the panel argues about whether that move is a good thing (18:30-39:12). Chris is in Western Australia for Liberty Week and fronted a Generation Liberty event talking about drug law reform - the panel debate what good drug policy looks like and why drug law shows medical care must be privatised (39:12-51:37). In the reading, watching and listening segment, the panel discuss Sharp Objects, True Detective Season 3, MC Escher and The Arctic Monkeys.
Panel: Scott Hargreaves, Dr Chris Berg, Daniel Wild and Andrew Bushnell
Show Notes:
Independent Analysis of the Costs of the Paris Agreement Supports Previous IPA Research
The Era of Limited Government Is Over - Ross Douthat, The New York Times
Sharp Objects
True Detective: Season 3
MC Escher exhibition at NGV
Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino - The Arctic Monkeys