Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Ep 50: The High Court And Third Class Australians
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
How does the wreckage left by the High Court’s decision to create a new category of Australian affect our nation’s political and social future? (2:20-22:33) In the new age of money, what are the consequences of a digital currency amidst a public backlash over cash bans? (22:33-36:57) The MAdE Establishment group of George Calombaris has gone under taking 400 jobs with it, and the panel asks how much the longer hospitality sector can last as an award system of obscene complexity and a relentless union campaign on ‘wage theft’ poison the well? (36:57-50:20) Your hosts Scott Hargreaves and Dr Chris Berg are joined by the IPA’s Gideon Rozner and Kurt Wallace to answer these questions as they celebrate the Looking Forward Podcast’s 50th episode! They then explore their culture picks for the week including the dramedy series Succession, Milton Friedman’s classic Capitalism and Freedom, Wilhelm Ropke’s The Humane Economist, and David Brooks’ landmark essay from The Atlantic, The Nuclear Family Was A Mistake. (50:20-1:18:42)
Show Notes:
Love v Commonwealth of Australia; Thoms v Commonwealth of Australia [2020] HCA 3 (11 February 2020)
Radical High Court Divides Australia By Race; Morgan Begg
Age of Currency Disruption is Here; Chris Berg
George Calombaris: Unions Under Fire Over Empire Collapse; Ewin Hannan
George Calombaris: now all too many of those underpaid workers will also soon be unemployed; Charles Pier
Culture Picks:
Succession; HBO
Capitalism and Freedom; Milton Friedman
The Humane Economist; Wilhelm Röpke
The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake; David Brooks