
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Ep 44: What's Next As China Slams Door On Liberal MPs And Hong Kong Protestors?
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Are we in the West too focussed on trade to tackle China’s on human rights abuses in Hong Kong and with the Uighurs? (00:01-21:00) Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says our ageing population is an “economic time bomb”, but is he just softening boomers up for another tax and pension raid? (21:00-33:00) Boris Johnson is ahead in the polls, Boris’ deal a real Brexit and why did the Brexit Party give up? (33:00-44:00).
Your hosts Scott Hargreaves and Dr Chris Berg are joined by the IPA’s Evan Mulholland and Daniel Wild to answer these questions and share their culture picks including H.P. Lovecraft’s 1936 classic sci-fi/horror novella, At the Mountains of Madness, a podcast by the Herald Sun about the 1999 Victorian state election between Jeff Kennett and Steve Bracks, and the Man in the High Castle, a sci-fi series on Amazon Prime which explores what the world would look like had the Axis powers won WWII (44.00-01.03.53).
Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust, Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis
Ageing population is 'economic time bomb': Frydenberg, Australian Financial Review
Paul Keating's speech on Australia's China policy – full text, The Guardian
The Economics of ZPG, Chris Berg & Jason Potts, Quadrant
These Are the Brexit Battlegrounds That Will Decide the U.K. Election, Bloomberg
How’s That? Daniel Wild, IPA Review
At the Mountains of Madness, H. P. Lovecraft
Face Off, Herald Sun (podcast)
The Man in the High Castle (TV series)
Corporate Virtue Signalling: How to Stop Big Business from Meddling in Politics, Jeremy Sammut